October 2nd, 2020 at 17:45 UTC
Join us in the WP Accessibility Team YouTube channel!
WP Accessibility Day is over! Watch our YouTube channel for the posting of the edited and captioned videos!
17:45 UTC
Joe Dolson
Opening Remarks
Our lead organizer will welcome you all, and kick off WP Accessibility Day with a few brief opening comments.
So how do I know if my WordPress website is accessible?
Testing websites for accessibility can be a daunting undertaking if it’s not something you’re familiar with. The WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines can be hard to follow. But actually, many aspects of digital accessibility are not that complicated. In this talk I move away from the impenetrable guidelines, and introduce a simpler series of yes/no questions […]
Unmeasurable Accessibility: The Case for Inclusive Design
Digital accessibility is more than just coding your website according to WCAG, passing tool tests and being usable with screen readers. It’s about inclusive design, which starts on day one of your project. In my talk I show based on personal stories and real life examples how accessibility is part of inclusive design. That it […]
Accessible Color Considerations
A discussion of color and contrast and why it’s important for designers to think about accessibility as early as possible in the design process, even at the branding stage. View Colleen’s Presentation Transcript Ahmed Chaion: Hello and welcome to WordPress Accessibility Day 2020. My name is Ahmed Kabir Chaion, and I’m working as the business […]
Creating Accessible Content with WordPress
A perfectly coded website will still break down if the content isn’t written and built accessibly. Learn how to write content that is accessible to everyone, and how to quickly evaluate themes and plugins for basic accessibility. View Jerry’s Presentation Transcript Jerry Jones: I’ll be talking about “Creating Accessible Content with WordPress.” And, yeah, ’cause […]
Much Ado About Captioning Videos for WordPress and Beyond
It is very easy to add a YouTube or Vimeo-hosted video to your WordPress site, but omitting the captions excludes many more people than you think. Not just the 6% of the world that is deaf or hard of hearing. Get your captioning questions answered by the person who depends on them. You’ll learn: Why […]
Using Smart Speakers for Accessibility
Smart Speakers (like Amazon Alexa and Google Home) are now in every room of the house. And the same Voice Assistant technology is found in smartphones, cars, and now wearables. When someone asks for your content, how can you make sure that they hear it? Let’s look at how to use this new platform to […]
SEO & Web Accessibility: Partners For a Better Internet
Search engine optimization and web accessibility share many of the same objectives. Those who provide consulting or services to either should understand this unique overlap to help improve each process. By working together with a shared understanding, we can build better web products for our clients, customers, and users. Watch Joe’s Presentation Transcript Mike Demo: […]
Accessible Navigation from Scratch
No matter how users get to your sites, they deserve an inclusive, accessible experience. A main navigation component built with accessibility in mind goes a long way towards this goal. Fortunately, WordPress leaves the implementation of accessibility best practices up to theme and plugin developers. This means that by carefully thinking about how to build […]
Accessible Websites Benefit Everyone
Disabilities can be temporary or situational, as well as permanent. So it stands to reason that everyone will be affected by a disability while navigating the web at some point. Often, making choices to improve accessibility of a website will also enhance the overall user experience for everyone. This talk will explain why ensuring your […]
Adventures in Accessibility: How Embracing Accessibility Made Me a Better Storyteller
I relate my own experience, as a WordPress developer, as I begin this adventure into accessibility. It “seems” overwhelming, but there are empowering gifts along the journey, namely, I become more knowledgable and more sensitive to my clients’ needs and the needs of their audience. I am seeing the online world in a whole new […]
Show me the Money!
Can creating or remediating WordPress sites to include Accessibility increase clients and web designers profits? Can you measure how much money businesses are losing out on because of a non-Accessible website? Can profits be lost by designers who are not including Accessibility in their services? The answer to all of the above is “Yes.” However, […]
Gutenberg Accessibility: A Screen Reader Users Perspective
I have been building websites using WordPress for about 12yrs & during this time I had the experience of working with WooCommerce, BuddyPress, bbPress & a great number of plug-ins & themes… I have seen WordPress evolving in incorporating accessibility day by day…when Gutenberg came out there was a cry from the accessibility & disability […]
Accessibility by Default in Authoring Tools
This presentation will describe ongoing research in built-in accessibility by default in authoring tools with the goal of disrupting the market. It will inspire developers and designers by showing what is possible to achieve when providing accessibility support and teach content creators and website owners what to require from their suppliers. More than 50% of […]
How to use ARIA in forms
Web forms are very important in web projects. Your visitors contact you, order products, filter results or subscribe to your newsletter. To have a good conversion on your forms they need to be robust and work flawlessly. Also for people that rely on assistive technology like a screen reader or voice recognition software. Accessible Rich […]
Your CMS is an Accessibility Assistant
Your CMS plays a decisive part in creating accessible content, suggest the Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG). Whenever a content designer creates content, the CMS could help with the accessibility of it. For instance, when a designer drops in an image, the CMS could point to the ideal text alternative or calculate the consequences for […]
If it's true it ain't bragging! Choosing a CMS for accessibility
When selecting a content management system (CMS), you’re already asking: can it produce an accessible website? But a simple “yes” to that question is not enough. In this presentation you’ll learn how to ask more detailed questions to find out the reality behind accessibilty claims. How to use accessibility standards for authoring tools to help […]
Making accessible accessibility reports
How do we approach accessibility testing in a way that’s sufficiently comprehensive from a technical perspective, but at the same time presentable to clients without technical knowledge and who may themselves have a disability? In this talk I’ll explain some of the approaches and attention to detail I take to test and present accessibility issues […]
Digital Transformation or Social Digital Transformation?
The importance to understand correctly the concept of disability is imperative to create WordPress Sites accessible and usable for all users, don’t matter the background, language, ability and technology savviness. But, how can we translate this concept into technical requirements to improve the user experience? Is this relatable? With the information provided in this talk, […]
The Case For Captions
Captioning online video content should be an integral and indispensable part of the making process. Abha Thakor explores the reasons for this, in a talk which covers the importance of inclusion, accessibility and a wider business imperative. She looks at the availability of today’s technology, and how it has moved from the clunky subtitling of […]
Developers Unite: Navigating Accessibility in WordPress
Accessibility for website and app developers can feel like a lower priority item or difficult to account for. Many look for plugins or quick fixes to patch up the work after the fact or often do not know where to begin. However, better accounting for all of the nuances is a lot easier when a […]
COGA, Scoring, and Process: What's coming in WCAG 2.2 and Silver
Accessibility is a continuous process improvement program, and the guidelines for accessibility are continuously evolving as well. WCAG 2.2 is scheduled to be released in November 2020, and WCAG 3.0 is coming in 2022. Laws such as EN 301 549, the European Accessibility Act, the Accessible Canada Act, and the California Consumer Privacy Act also […]
Policy versus Practice: The International Case for Digital Accessibility
The World Health Organization estimates that about 15% of the world’s population has a disability, and yet, the majority of the Internet is not accessible to people with disabilities. The reasons for this are varied and intertwined with context, particularly within the realms of legislative and design practices. This talk provides an overview of the […]
How to Plan & Design For Web Accessibility
Designing an accessible website takes planning at all stages of the development process. In this presentation, I will go over key design and UX elements and how to make them accessible. I will cover topics like navigation, page structure, colors, links, ARIA labels, and testing tools to help you accomplish a more user-friendly and accessible […]
Essential HTML tweaks for accessible themes
The short talk shows developers, theme authors and plugin authors how to write the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) code of themes and plugins for meeting the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. There are important success criteria in the WCAG which affect the way how you write the HTML code for your users. Do you […]
~17:45 UTC
Stefano Minoia
Closing Remarks
Stefano, our incoming lead organizer for WP Accessibility Day 2021 will deliver closing remarks immediately following the end of the last talk's Q and A session.