Speaker applications are now open! Applications will be open until August 15th, 2020 – we look forward to hearing what you want to say!
We are looking for speakers willing to share their knowledge and experience to enrich participants. Why don’t you take this opportunity to contribute as a speaker to this event? Help inspire the WordPress community and improve its accessibility awareness!
Why should I apply?
Speaking at the first-ever WordPress Accessibility Day is a great opportunity for personal growth: it will stimulate you to deepen your knowledge and skills and to leave your comfort zone. As a speaker, we hope you’ll learn a lot – perhaps more than you will teach!
WordPress Accessibility Day will be a great opportunity to get in touch with people from all over the world: being a speaker will give you a lot of visibility and allow you to connect with people all across the whole spectrum of WordPress users and creators.
What kinds of talks are we looking for?
If you have some experience with accessibility, you know that a lot of different specialties are involved: there are technical aspects where developers are more at ease, design aspects to spot and fix, and content creators have a key role in improving web accessibility.
We want all of these aspects to be touched and we want them to be touched at all levels of expertise.
The WordPress Community includes people all the way from developers who are accessibility professionals to business owners just now being exposed to the topic of website accessibility.
Everything that touches on the intersections between WordPress and Accessibility will be considered!